CubeMaster API will give you the results in the FilledContainers collection. Each element FilledContainer presents a filled pallet. It provides many members for the information of the filled pallet. Two members CargoesPerLayer and LayersPerUnitload are what you are looking for. Please try this sample.
Status: "OK",
Message: "Engine created.New Pallet Load assigned.3 cargoes built. 2 containers built.The calculation assigned to a process (System.Diagnostics.Process).The calculation built up from the process.The calculation 'New Pallet Load' finished successfully. The calculation 'New Pallet Load' saved to the simulation database. It will be accessed in with your credential ( ",
CalculationError: 1,
Overview: {CargoesLoaded: 146,
PiecesLoaded: 146,
CargoesLeft: 0,
PiecesLeft: 0,
UnitloadsLoaded: 0,
VolumeLoaded: 153124.55635000003,
VolPercentLoaded: 0,
WeightLoaded: 2497.7000000000003,
WeightPercentLoaded: 0,
ContainersLoaded: 2,
PriceLoaded: 0
FilledContainers: [
{Name: "#1 GMA",
Sequence: 1,
Length: 48,
Width: 40,
Height: 86,
VollumeUtilization: 0.8970055238614343,
LoadVolume: 148113.55210000003,
FloorUtilization: 87.34428787600017,
LoadFloor: 0,
GrossWeight: 2410.55,
NetWeight: 2410.55,
LoadQty: 139,
LoadPieces: 139,
LoadUnitloads: 0,
CargoesPerLayer: 15,
LayersPerUnitload: 5,
LoadSize: {Length: 48,
Width: 40,
Height: 85.32000000000001
Spaces: [],
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